Friday 16 September 2016

Hi everyone and welcome to our classroom website!

Can you believe we are done our second week of school?! We have had a wonderful time getting to know each other over the past few days. We have had discussions about how special we are, Growth Mindset, being a good friend, making new friends, and school and classroom rules. As of yesterday we have a new class pet... "Bob" the fish. The students voted on the name out of our top four choices Bob, Jon, Fifi Jr., and Gold (Fifi Jr. came in at second place).

I will try to update this website as often as I can! You will always find a monthly calendar on here. I already provided some links on the right hand side for you to explore with your family. In your child's communication bag this weekend you will find usernames and passwords to Prodigy and Teach Your Monster to Read. Please let me know if you have any issues logging in.

I hope you all have a terrific weekend!


Ms. Kubara

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